I'm a polyester girl in a polyester world.
Hola Todos,
Yep i'm back from Chile, back to little old quiet New Zealand, back to the dreaded study and cold student flat.
Hard to believe i actually felt homesick for this place in my last week. But i believe it was more family and friends in New Zealand that i missed, now i despretley miss all my friends, brother and sisters back in my new home CHILE!!
I remember when i was in chile halfway through my trip i had a dream that i was back in chile and i was thinking hangon what am i doing back in New Zealand, we haven't even been on our team retreat yet, I was very relieved to find when i woke up that i was still in chile, but now that dream has become a reality.
I am comming to realise now that i am needed here in New Zealand even though i want to be back in New Zealand, there is a time and a place for everything. My time in Chile has been and God used me in a way i couldn of never imagined but now he want's to use me here in New Zealand to be a witness to my friends and minister to family. Some of my close friends here are struggling right now but i won't go into to protect their privacy, God has really but them on my heart to pray for them everyday because its not by my strength but my gods that they can find comfort and healing.
God made me realised truely how much he loves me through the chileans, I kept thinking wow if the chileans can show this much love to a complete stanger from a far away country then God most really love me. He has shown me my true inside beauty. When i was leading up to my trip, i felt totally inadequate like i didn't have enough to give, I was going on a missions trip i was supposed to be the one ministering to the chileans but i think it worked both ways. Alot of us both kiwi's and chileans experienced alot of emotional healing i cried alot and laughed alot i think i have grown more in my faith during this time than i have in my whole life time.
During one of our late night meetings at the youth camp we were all praying and the Holy Spirit fell, I started bawling like never before, God was healing me i wasn't totally sure what for but i felt so much peace after. Then i said to Cat "I feel like i'm being given more than i should be giving". And she said why don't you start now you have a gift in prophesy use it. So i went around and started praying for some of the youth that the holy spirit would fall upon them and he did and it was incredible there were visions and tears and ohh it was so beautiful.
I'm sorry i have soooo much to say i just carn't shut up about god and chile as soon as someone asks me "How was your trip?" its like a bomb expodes inside me lol.
Well i better sign off now
Dios te bendiga mucho
how was your trip, how was your trip, how was your trip, boom boom boom, that was an awesome post, would love to hear more, hmmm I guess I could just talk to you.
Hey I'm so glad you enjoyed your trip....but then God is so awesome what did we expect?
Sounds like God did some really cool stuff in your life, keep on spending that time with him, and walking with him and he can do even more awesome stuff with and in you.
I would love to hear more of your stories and see your photos. Isen't it so cool that Sebastian is over here for a bit, you have one more Chileano to get to know.
That's so cool Esther! It's always hard getting back, life can seem dull and meaningless, bur you've obviously spotted the meaning in NZ so that's awesome. God never ceases to surprise me, and I don't think he ever will. Dios te bendiga tambien hermana!
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