Monday, October 02, 2006


Okay I know i really should be workin on my report that is due next week but i just have so much running through my mind that I thought it might help to get it all down then I can focus on my report maybe hopefully lol.
I just had my second posting for two and a half weeks at Halfway Bush Kindergarten most of you probably have no idea where it is but obviously its in Halfway Bush. The kids were sooo cute and i loved them all too bits! Seriously you can learn so much from kids they have such a great fun look on life and they find the most simplist things interesting. I have so many stories that I dont know where to start. One of the days I was there though things were not going so well for me one of the teachers decided to make the most of us students and give us lots of cleaning to do its not very fun when the whole point of you being there is to mingle with the kids and observe them. Anyways i finally managed to sit down with some of the kids at the playdough table ohhh soo much fun playdough and this little girl said to me "I'm going to miss you cause your my favourite adult" ohhh soo sweet. There was also this little foster kid there he was the sweetest little thing very affectionate he had been really neglected when he was younger so you could understand why he was always sitting on my knee and cuddling and climbing all over me if he was heavier i dont think i would of coped so well. He got this idea that it was funny to throw sand at me probably cause i pulled a face when he did it and he also scratched me behind the idea once lol but i forgave him pretty easy cause he was so cute. Carnt really think of anymore stories right now though i should cause i meant to be basing most of my report on my posting.
Last week I had my holidays which started of with a pretty discusting tummy bug I wont go too much into it incase some of you are eating. But i was pretty much in bed from saturday night till tuesday, I went to the doctor cause I wanted to make sure I got better before I left for Queenstown and they just gave me some meds which seemed to help. Left for Queenstown on the bus on wednesday, mum picked us up in Alex and then stayed with my Aunty and Cousin who had come over from Australia and were staying at my Aunties Brother's looking after his kids in his million dollar home while he was off in Los Angeles on business. I forgot how beautiful Queenstown was we had this awesome view from where we were staying really felt closer to God and appreciated how truely big and creative he is for creating something so amazing. I went snowboarding with my cousin and my sis well they ending up both skiing in the end my cousin couldnt handle it not tough enough like me hehe It takes way more skills to snowboard i reckon especially when you fall over and have to flip your board over to get back on takes alot of energy out of you too but its so worth everything yes even the sore aching muscles and bruised bum for three days afterwards.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Polka-Dots are so HOT right now!!

Ahh i'm freaking out at the moment i have like 3 assignments to do and one re-submission!!
I was so guttered i spent like forever on my essay and now i have to re-submit because it wasn't good enough!! Oh well at least i have the chance to resubmit! I am now waiting in the computer lab at tech trying to kill time before i meet up with a tutor to go over my essay and give me some tips of how NOT to fail again hopefully. All my flatmates have now almost finished there exams and will slowly be disppearing from the flat untill eventually on me and hani will be left.
On monday night i went to see The Breakup, with a friend from collage with her b/f and his flatmate. It was an okay movie though not something i would want to see again. It was quite depressing in some parts and quite funny in others didn't have an expected ending tho which was weird. Then on wednesday night for the first time ever our flat went out for desert with no significant others!! We went to bean scene it was fantastic i had the creme brulee!! mmmm yummy! Yesterday i went shopping coz i got my final pay back from countdown, well i also went shopping on tuesday ahh the dangers of loose change. I brought this really beautiful jewellery box from farmers it is pink and white and has little roses painted on it, i really needed one as my jewellery collection is getting rather large and i am misplacing alot of it. However i did think i could give it as a 21st present though i like it too much myself and i don't really think its my friends style. I also brought this really cool shirt yesterday incase some of you haven't noticed i am going through a polka-dot phase!! Polka-Dots are soo hot right now!! The shirt is red with white polka-dots and looks really cool with my black skinny leg jeans, black top underneath, black belts, black shoes, black beads and my new white headband!! Oh yeah and i had my first day at farmers on saturday that went okay though there weren't as many cute kids as i thought there would be. Mostly just mums and grandmas shopping though there was this really cute little chinese girl that asked me "what would happen if we didn't put it in a bag?" and i was like the security man might run after you!! and then she was like "someone might think that we stold it". Ohh it was so cute you had to be there i guess. I carn't wait for my holidays i'm hopfully going to chch for my best friends obi's 21st (if i can get work off) and my other friend rachel's 21st no not rachael brown, rachel white (confusing i know i have alot of friends called rachel). And then i get to see obi's new house and stay with her for a week and hopfully lots of shopping and catching up with people. Okay well this blog seems to be all over the place today that is how my mind is at the moment! ooo insight into esther's mind scarey lol and since i carn't think of much else to say except keep those comments rolling i think i'll sign off chao

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Goodbye Countdown, Hello Farmers

Yeah thats rights this week was my last week at Countdown!! For those of you who don't know I have been a checkout operator and supervisor at Countdown Mailer St in Mornington for just over 4 years!! FOUR YEARS thats a long time to put up with saying Hi how are you today?, Had a good day? Busy Week, Is that all right in the same bag? Would you like your meat separate? Would you like cash out? Thanks, Bye and thats on a good day. I have had some fun times like the time when a customer left a bottle of bleech on the counter to go away to get her wallet which she had left a home, and i accidently knocked it off the counter and broke the lid making the whole supermarket smell like a pool!! And the time when a drunk customer was short by 5 cents to purchase his beer and tried to hug me and kiss me on the cheek.
I'm going to miss everyone there especially my faithful saturday night operators who love trying to make me laugh when i do the closing 9:45, 9:50, 9:55 and 9:00 calls, (stacey and john thanks guys). And of course i will miss my lovely green uniform which matches my eyes so well!! But hey i believe i have been called to better and bigger places with Farmers, I will be working in the Childrens toy and clothing department on saturdays and i get a %10 dicount instead of the measly %2.5 i got at countdown. This is such an answer to prayer I thank god so much just when i was getting fed up with my old job and having to spend money on taxi and bus fares he came through for me!! WOW never underestimate the power of prayer.
And for those of you that read my blog and don't even bother to comment shame on you! Hey i know i'm bad too but if people left more comments on here then maybe i would too!! (Hint Hint, Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink)

Friday, May 26, 2006

My 21st

Here are some photo's from my 21st, incase you didn't notice the theme was 80's.
This is me, Nay and my sis Rosie

Me and my flatmate Claire.

Me about to eat the huge cake my aunty made for me. Isn't it Pretty?

Bibs, Claire, Pierre, Jared, Me, Jane and Yonnie trying to be in the photo in the background but he's just not "cool" enough.

Brooke,Andrea and Dave

Jared and Jian doing their Gangsta thang.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My New Laptop

I finally have one!! Yes my own personal laptop now i am an official, yuppie, computer geek whatever you want to call me i don't care!! Although i am told that your not an offical computer geek untill you create your own people who own laptops are just cool. Yeah so that was an excitment for the week no one else seems to be excited for me tho lol Now i carn't use the excuse i don't have a computer to not blog. So i guess i'll just have to try and blog more.

Humm okay whats been happenin with me this year since my last post, well alot actually i had my posting in an early childhood centre at russell st early childcare that was so much fun i had so many stories to tell from that experience the little kids are sooooo cute i was looking after the infants and toddles and i just wanted to pick them up and cuddle them all day!!! But you have to give them the chance to run around and play and let them come to you. I was playin in the sandpit with some of the kids and we were building sandcastles, i was just quietly showing them how to fill the bucket with sand and this little girl got really excited with her spade and wack accidently hit me in the head!! I was a bit shocked and didn't really know what to do except exclaim ouch and she looked at me with her big brown eyes as if to say sorry i didn't mean too! And i just had to forgive her straight away even if i did end up with a bit of a bump on my head and had to turn to the frozen peas for comfort. The teachers were all really encouraging and were really pleased for a bit of extra help!! The said i used my initiative and that i was even better than some of the third years (don't tell them though). Ohh yeah and i just got back the assignment that i had to do for it and i got an A- so i was pretty stoked with that my first A!! YAY

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I'm a polyester girl in a polyester world.

Hola Todos,
Yep i'm back from Chile, back to little old quiet New Zealand, back to the dreaded study and cold student flat.
Hard to believe i actually felt homesick for this place in my last week. But i believe it was more family and friends in New Zealand that i missed, now i despretley miss all my friends, brother and sisters back in my new home CHILE!!
I remember when i was in chile halfway through my trip i had a dream that i was back in chile and i was thinking hangon what am i doing back in New Zealand, we haven't even been on our team retreat yet, I was very relieved to find when i woke up that i was still in chile, but now that dream has become a reality.

I am comming to realise now that i am needed here in New Zealand even though i want to be back in New Zealand, there is a time and a place for everything. My time in Chile has been and God used me in a way i couldn of never imagined but now he want's to use me here in New Zealand to be a witness to my friends and minister to family. Some of my close friends here are struggling right now but i won't go into to protect their privacy, God has really but them on my heart to pray for them everyday because its not by my strength but my gods that they can find comfort and healing.

God made me realised truely how much he loves me through the chileans, I kept thinking wow if the chileans can show this much love to a complete stanger from a far away country then God most really love me. He has shown me my true inside beauty. When i was leading up to my trip, i felt totally inadequate like i didn't have enough to give, I was going on a missions trip i was supposed to be the one ministering to the chileans but i think it worked both ways. Alot of us both kiwi's and chileans experienced alot of emotional healing i cried alot and laughed alot i think i have grown more in my faith during this time than i have in my whole life time.

During one of our late night meetings at the youth camp we were all praying and the Holy Spirit fell, I started bawling like never before, God was healing me i wasn't totally sure what for but i felt so much peace after. Then i said to Cat "I feel like i'm being given more than i should be giving". And she said why don't you start now you have a gift in prophesy use it. So i went around and started praying for some of the youth that the holy spirit would fall upon them and he did and it was incredible there were visions and tears and ohh it was so beautiful.

I'm sorry i have soooo much to say i just carn't shut up about god and chile as soon as someone asks me "How was your trip?" its like a bomb expodes inside me lol.

Well i better sign off now
Dios te bendiga mucho

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Yo Amo Chile!

Wow i´m finally in chile its so awesome here the people are great and the food is buenisimo! I found the language barrier here pretty hard at first but i´m learning fast and the people are so patient with me.
Well if you want to hear more go to the ce website: