Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My New Laptop

I finally have one!! Yes my own personal laptop now i am an official, yuppie, computer geek whatever you want to call me i don't care!! Although i am told that your not an offical computer geek untill you create your own people who own laptops are just cool. Yeah so that was an excitment for the week no one else seems to be excited for me tho lol Now i carn't use the excuse i don't have a computer to not blog. So i guess i'll just have to try and blog more.

Humm okay whats been happenin with me this year since my last post, well alot actually i had my posting in an early childhood centre at russell st early childcare that was so much fun i had so many stories to tell from that experience the little kids are sooooo cute i was looking after the infants and toddles and i just wanted to pick them up and cuddle them all day!!! But you have to give them the chance to run around and play and let them come to you. I was playin in the sandpit with some of the kids and we were building sandcastles, i was just quietly showing them how to fill the bucket with sand and this little girl got really excited with her spade and wack accidently hit me in the head!! I was a bit shocked and didn't really know what to do except exclaim ouch and she looked at me with her big brown eyes as if to say sorry i didn't mean too! And i just had to forgive her straight away even if i did end up with a bit of a bump on my head and had to turn to the frozen peas for comfort. The teachers were all really encouraging and were really pleased for a bit of extra help!! The said i used my initiative and that i was even better than some of the third years (don't tell them though). Ohh yeah and i just got back the assignment that i had to do for it and i got an A- so i was pretty stoked with that my first A!! YAY


Blogger Justin said...

oh little kids are so cute!

5:18 PM GMT+12  

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